Pleurocordyceps Y.J. Yao, Y.H. Wang, S. Ban, W.J. Wang, Yi Li, Ke Wang & P.M. Kirk, J. Syst. Evol. (2020)
Index Fungorum number: IF 570683; Facesofungi number: FoF 10737
Parasitic on insects or fungi. Sexual morph: Stromata solitary to numerous, fleshy, cylindrical, unbranched, or branched, reddish brown to yellow, stipitate, growing from the head or the whole body of the host. Stipes pigment, cylindrical, sterile tip curved or twisted, with or without a fertile part. Fertile parts capitate at the apex or laterally on the stipe, white to yellow or brown. Perithecia immersed in an apical or subapical pulvinate cushion, scattered to gregarious, pyriform, or ovoid, with protruding ostioles. Asci cylindrical, hyaline, with apical cap and thick walled. Ascospores fliform, cylindrical, hyaline, breaking into secondary spores. Secondary spores cylindrical, hyaline, of nearly equal length. Asexual morph: Hyphomycetous. Synnemata absent or present, white to yellow, solitary to caespitose, stipitate, unbranched or branched, clavate or spatulate or cylindrical, with or without fertile head covered by conidia masses. Stipes clavate or spatulate or cylindrical, white to yellowish, with or without fertile head at the apex or below the apex. Conidial masses absent or present, yellowish to yellow, on the surface of colony, on the host or the surface of the fertile part. Fertile parts absent or present, yellowish to yellow, awl-shaped to cylindrical to globose, at the apex or below the apex. Conidiophores simple or with several phialides, unbranched or branched, hyaline. Metulae absent or present, smooth-walled, hyaline. Phialides (conidiogenous cells) usually two types, sometimes only one typeobserved on the fresh specimen, verticillately branching, α-phialides verticillate and acropleurogenous on conidiophores, cylindrical to subulate at the base, gradually tapering into a long neck: β-phialides acropleurogenous and solitary, narrow lageniform or subulate, tapering abruptly from the base to the apex. Conidia one-celled, hyaline, smooth-walled, normally two types in culture, rarely two types on fresh specimen, α-conidia globose to subglobose or ellipsoidal, forming conidial masses from the fertile head; β-conidia fusiform, produced along stipe as well as on the mycelium surface of the colony, single, often in chains.
Other species:
Pleurocordyceps ophiocordycipiticola D.P. Wei & K.D. Hyde
Xiao YP, Wang YB, Hyde KD, Eleni G, Sun JZ, Yang Y, Meng J, Yu H, Wen TC. Polycephalomycetaceae, a new family of clavicipitoid fungi segregates from Ophiocordycipitaceae. Fungal Diversity 120(1):1–76.
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